Shootout team at ex-presidents home were Colombian tourists

TWO MEN involved in a Thursday, October 16 shoot-out with the Institutional Protection Service (SPI), at the home of former Panama president Mireya Moscoso, were Colombians who entered the country a few days earlier.

Rodolfo Aguilera Minister of Public Security, said on Telemetro on Friday that the Colombians had permission from tourism. One died and the other was captured Thursday on a plane, as he was preparing to leave the country.
According to Aguilera, the man changed his flight plans as his departure was scheduled for Friday morning.
The Security Minister also referred a woman walking in the area, who was injured in the shoulder and was treated at a clinic in Rio Abajo. He said the woman made “a coordinated operation with the other two [people]. How can your presence be explained when you don’t have a home on thatstreet? However, he stressed that the investigation is just beginning.
Attorney General’s Office, Ana Belfon today told the media that they are working on the case and are not yet in a position to give any other information
The incident occurred on Thursday afternoon when two men on a motor cycle intercepted the former Minister of Government, Arnulfo Escalona when he arrived at Moscoso’s residence, located in Carrasquilla. One of the men got off the bike and held Escalona at gunpoint. SPI First Sergeant Somar Gallardo, assigned to protect Moscoso, opened fire.
Neighbors in the area reported that more than 20 explosions were heard.
Arnulfo Escalona, in an email, to La Prensa questioned where the men got weapons, a vehicle, accommodation and logistics for what they were planning.