Government change ends hostility to media – report

THE CHANGE of government in Panama has led to a cessation of hostilities against the free exercise of journalism says a report published in Chile. 

The report was issued on Sunday, October 19, at the 70th General Assembly of the Inter-American Press Society being held in Santiago,
“There are obvious signs of improvements in the Panamanian environment for the exercise of journalism, after five years of attacks and harassment,” states the document.
The report was presented by La Prensa Director Lourdes de Obaldía on behalf of Eduardo Quirós, regional vice president of the groups’ Freedom of the Press and Information Committee.
Hostilities against the media and institutions such as the Catholic Church and the Commission of Justice and Peace during the last election campaign was also mentioned during the meeting.
“Similarly, there was a bias in the distribution of government advertising, a violation of the Electoral Code,” added the report.

During the previous administration individual journalists were frequently singles out and attacked by goveernment spokespersons and by former president Ricardo Martinelli.