Setback for judge facing corruption charges

BELEAGURED Judge Alejandro Moncada Luna, suffered another setback on Wednesday, October 22. After a special meeting of more than five hours, the full Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) rejected for the third time, a separate legal recourse for the judge under investigation  for alleged unjust enrichment, money laundering, falsification of public documents and official corruption. 

In a unanimous decision, the plenum of the Supreme Court sitting in permanent session denied a claim of Moncada Luna against Article 468 of the Criminal Procedure Code, which establishes the procedure for submitting and processing support a complaint or grievance against a judge before the National Assembly.
The fie of records of the unconstitutionality habeas corpus claims filed by Moncada Luna were distributed by the General Secretariat of the Court. The speakers are Luis Mario Carrasco judges and Harley Mitchell, respectively.
The decision was based on Article 468 of the standard already applied in the criminal proceedings against Moncada Luna by the judges of guarantees at the National Assembly