OFF THE CUFF: Martinelli era theft passes $833 million and counting

THE AMOUNT of theft from the public purse during the Martinelli years grows by the day as audits are carried out in different government departments and the figure has already reached $833,525,584.31.

Ramses Barrera, general secretary of the Public Ministry (MP), announced the figure of alleged equity injury committed by former officials of the previous administration on Sunday , November 23 Of this amount, he said, the National Assistance Program (NAP) tops the list of allegedly injured entities, with
$75.261392.66. The same offense is being investigated against the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA), the Transit and Land Transport Authority (ATTT), the Social Security Fund (CSS), the National Environmental Authority (ANAM), the Institute for Training and Development of Human Resources (IFARHU) Tocumen Airport, the National Lottery (LNB), among others.
He said that as the Attorney General’s Office conducts internal audits in the institutions mentioned, the amount could increase.
Barrera said that the active agents of crime are the officials with the management and accountability of these institutions. “It will be up to the Attorney General to attributed the administrative and economic responsibilities, while the criminal liabilities shall be determined according to the MP analysis with the attorney,” the official said on RPC radio.
Meanwhile the money found in bank accounts linked to the former head of PAN, Rafael Guardia has jumped from $9 million to $11 million.
On Sunday, thousands of anti-corruption protesters on the Cinta Costera, called for action against officials caught with their hands in the till, and chanted names of high profile Cambio Democratico leaders whom they perceived to be involved in the theft of state resources, including Guardia, former president Ricardo Martinelli former Minister of Social Development,Guillermo Ferrufino former Supreme Court Judge Moncada Luna, and previous PAN boss Giacomo Tamburelli.