Corruption investigation a “nice opportunity” – Molinar

LUCY MOLINAR The former Minister of Education sees her January appearance before the Second Anticorruption Prosecutor investigating the purchase of hundreds of thousands of backpacks through the National Assistance Program (PAN), as “a nice opportunity.”

“These are normal processes. I have nothing to hide. It’s a nice opportunity to explain how things were done in the institution, “she said in an interview with TV Metro.
Molinar who devoted most of her previous journalism career to pursuing and reporting acts of corruption, said she was not surprised by the process, as part of a struggle with union groups that she faced in the five years she held the education portfolio, “Coming from them, I understand,” she said. “This is an inquiry, not having to go to defend myself,”
A source close to the investigation told La Prensa that Molinar, an official of the PAN, and the legal representatives of the companies providing backpacks must also attend the inquest.
During the administration of Molinar, the PAN spent tens of thousands of dollars to purchase school bags. Some of the companies chosen by direct contact in 2011 were Hialing Corporation, SA, Unitel Trader, SA and APM Supplies, Inc.
According to documents of the transaction, the director of PAN, Giacomo Tamburrelli, asked Molinar asked her to choose the companies to sell the state’s 810,000 backpacks.
At the time of the transaction, on the board of Hialing Corporation were Pablo Andrés Ruiz, president; Felipe Campos, treasurer, and Ramiro Mora, secretary.
Unitel Corporation, another companies favored by Molinar, was created just a year before being chosen. Its directors are listed as René Guardia Camargo and Eliezer Tuñón Jaén.
The other company chosen by Molinar was APM Supplies whose president was Poulett Montero Morales, whose physical address was the same as clothing store Montero Morales. Although the company received more than $500,000 in advance it failed to meet the deadline but in March 2012 the Ministry of Education granted an extension. 

In 2013, the PAN returned to order more bags. The companies contracted were Galbedusa Panama, SA, incorporated in April 2013; Inc. Consuloria, SA, established in September 2011}; and Vafepa, SA, in May 2011. The boards of these companies were made up of people close to then president Ricardo Martinelli says La Prensa.
This was not the first time that Molinar created controversy over backpacks. In 2010, the government spent $1.6 million on packs of poor quality. The minister herself acknowledged that the material was not good.
The denunciation of Molinar for the alleged commission of offenses against public administration came from Panama’s teachers’ Association (ASOPROF) headed by Diogenes Sánchez
“She was one of those that led to the squandering of public funds through the PAN that could better serve to schools. She promoted corruption because as part of the board she should have overseen the PAN [shopping]. By act or omission, she is responsible, “he said.