Snafu: Computer system that cant store information.

PANAMA’S Social Security will spend $2 million to improve the much maligned system of Income and Economic Benefits (SIPE).

Igmhar Sánchez, Social Security’s director of Innovation and Technology, said that the money will be used to change software, develop a more interactive platform and replace current computers. He said that the idea is to have a system that is more viable and practical for employers and employees to validate information.
The SIPE program was implemented by the previous administration at a cost of $6 million. A number of problems have been detected within the system, including servers without the capacity to store information.
Social Security Director Estivenson Giron said the upgrades are needed because SIPE “is a real headache.” He said that it has failed to meet the expectations of employers, employees and collaborators reports LaPrensa
The system went into operation September 2012, and immediately employers reported issues, such as the emergence of fake accounts, difficulties in printing receipts and reliability issues. The problems have continued since.
Former Social Security Director Rolando Villalaz said that before any other expenditures are made, there should be an audit to determine if there has been any irregularities.
Villalaz said that the previous administration made $78 million in technology upgrades, but users have not reported better service.