NEWSROOM Panama celebrates its sixth year, providing news and features in English to residents of Panama and around the world, with an ever increasing readership now attracting some 90,000 page views a month, which translates to over 1,080,000 a year.

Over 1000 readers a day take advantage of our free subscription service which puts the headlines of the principle stories on your desktop, cell phone or pad at 4 am daily, and for many readers it’s a “must” start to the morning. If you don’t already take advantage of the service, you can register in the subscription box by simply typing in your email address. Newsroom has also become a valuable research source with over 10,000 stories on file, easily accessed from the home page search box.
During coming weeks we will be expanding coverage of the local entertainment and social scene ands  re-introducing the COMING EVENTS section. while maintaining the much read HEALTHWATCH, WORLDVIEW and MEDIAWATCH features.. as we move forward to the Two million mark.