Civil Society welcomes court ruling on suspended professor

FRIDAY’S Supreme Court ruling in favor of suspended University of Panama (UP) professor Miguel Antonio Bernal, of the Faculty of Law and Political Science, has been applauded by civil society,

Civil groups, students. political commentators,  and many fellow teachers believe he was rail-roaded at the behest of rector Gustavo Garcia de Paredes.
After a submission by Bernal on Thursday the the Supreme Court decided that the Academic Council of the UP must lift the suspension of five years without the pay, imposed on the professor in March. The court also stipulated that it had to be lifted within two hours of receiving the notification, or risk contempt of court.
The verdict was rated as “fair and timely.” The view is shared by Magaly Castillo, executive director of the Citizens Alliance For Justice , who said the decision of the Supreme Court was right.
According to Castillo, the civil society will be vigilant to ensure the UP moves to comply with the ruling of the Court.
Paul Porcell, a member of the Civil Society called theJudges’ decision “Positive and fair”.
Porcell called on the University authorities to respect freedom of expression for teachers and students.
The decision of the Supreme Court, supported by Judge Gabriel Fernandez had apparently not reached the office of the Rector on the day it was made.
“What I know, I know from the media,” he told El Siglo.
He said that if the notification arrives on Monday, he will take it to the Academic Council to make adecision.
The Dean of the Law Faculty, Gilberto Boutin, said he had no official information of the decision of the court but when it arrives, they will abide.
The fate of Luis Vazquez, who was hired to replace Bernal, is unknown.