University rector heading for Assembly grilling

AN OBSTRUCTED AUDIT of the University of Panama Foundation (FUDEP) HAS prompted the National Assembly to summon the embattled rector of the University, to appear before deputies.

Gustavo Garcia de Paredes will be faced with nine questions, presented by the independent deputy Ana Matilde Gómez and supported by members of various legislative caucuses.
The questions related to various to links between the University of Panama (UP) and FUDEP.
Education Minister, Marcela Paredes de Vasquez, was alsocalled to accompany the rector.
After hearing of the summons, UP authorities of the UP said they will attend the Assembly when they are told the exact date.
Meanwhile, Sergei De la Rosa, president of the FUDEP, said that recent allegations “have done great damage to the foundation”, which is ow in crisis and could lead to a close by year-end He said that, after the controversy, some organizations have decided to cancel joint projects.
Concerns have been raised over the foundation’s activities. Attempts to audit its books have been frustrated by the rector who describes it as a private foundation, leading to warnings from the country’s comptroller of a criminal denunciation,
In the questionnaire, Garcia de Paredes must explain the reasons that led to the creation of the FUDEP, his involvement in its creation, its short- or long-term objectives and which of them have been achieved since its creation.
Similarly, he must clarify the links between the University of Panama and FUDEP and the criteria applied by the FUDEP to manage the funds related to the services provided through 13 research institutes.