Panama students charged with terrorism

CHARGES OF  TERRORISM  and  illicit association to commit a crime   have been filed against three students of the National Institute and another individual for their involvement in the July 7 riot in which a teacher and two students were burned by Molotov cocktails.

Prosecutor Nahaniel Murgas charged the four who are over 18, and can be tried as adults,   on Friday, July 17 Seven other students who are minors were charged later the same day reports La Prensa.

Another 10 students are thought to have been involved

Prosecutors said that  raids uncovered evidence linked to the riot, including computer and cell phone records. They also found bottles filled with gasoline, similar to the ones alleged to have caused the burns.

The defendants claimed that the protest was held over poor campus conditions and the injuries were accidental.

Prosecutors are also seeking the release of video shot by media organizations to help in the investigation.

Media vehicles were among cars stoned by the rioters.


A group of alumni and current students of the National Institute held a vigil at 6 p.m. Friday to call for the reopening of the school. The campus has been closed since the riot.

The group marched near the National Assembly on Avenida Central near the school.