Caught between a closed bridge and a bad road

WITH ACCESS to The Bridge of the America’s will be restricted for the next 10 months, motorists who have to cross the canal have been advised to use Centennial Bridge to enter only to discover that roads leading to it are in desperate need of repair.

The damage to the 22-kilometer road is visible on both sides of the bridge reports La Prensa which brings back the possibility of another road collapse similar to that in 2010, which took 10 months to repair.
Former President of the Society of Panama Engineers and Architects (SPIA) Nicolás Real said that he is concerned about a section about two kilometers from the bridge, near the Rod Carew National Stadium, where there are 25 meters of cracked concrete slabs.
On Saturday August 29, the first day of closures on the Bridge of the Americas, two people were killed near the stadium,
Another troubling area is a 65-meter stretch of cracked pavement near the overpass that is part of the Hospital City project.
Real said the problems are due to the absence of routine maintenance, and this can be seen in the lines connecting the slabs, which are not sealed.
Real said that this allows water to leak into the road, causing cracks. Eventually, that could lead to another collapse.