7 day high tide and flood alert

TIDES  AS HIGH as 18.9 feet  will  affect Panama’s Pacific coast during the next week, and The National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc)  has  issued a warning notice from 2:03 pm on Saturday, September 26, until 7:58 pm on Saturday, October 3.

José Donderis Sinaproc, CEO  has waned  all Pacific coastal area  inhabitants take preventive measures, as the height of the tide could cause flooding in homes near the beaches.
The months of September, October and November are the rainiest of the year in Panama, so to with the  high tide they could increase levels of rivers and streams, causing flooding in vulnerable areas .
Artisanal fishermen have been alerted to using navigation equipment and life jackets.
Bathers visiting tourist siteson coast the should always take preventive measures for their safety.