American woman gunned down in home invasion

American woman gunned down in home invasion

 A 66 YEAR-OLD  American woman  was in  intensive care on Monday October 5 following  emergency surgery  after allegedly  being shot and stabbed during a weekend  home invasion on Saturday, October 3.

Three armed robbers entered Miriam Clamp’ houde  in Potrerillos in the  Arriba district of Dolega, Chiriqui at dawn.

According to preliminary investigations, the assailants  stole about $ 2000 in cash, a computer and a phone.

The victim  received wounds to  her right shoulder, right breast  and her abdomen, before the thieves  absconded.

She  sought help from neighbors and was transferred to a private hospital, but because of the  severity of  her injuries was taken to the Emergency Room of the Regional Hospital  Rafael Hernandez in David reportsvEl Siglo