Enough elements to convict ex-president for wiretapping – judge

HE SUPREME COURT investigation into former President Ricardo Martinelli for the illegal interception of communications of at least 150 people during his tenure (2009-2014) is complete and the judge in charge  says there are sufficient elements for a conviction.

Judge  Harry Díaz, has been researching the case since August 13. He has determined that “There are sufficient elements for a conviction that links Ricardo Martinelli to the case,” the judge wrote. “It is now necessary to communicate to all parties involved in the process that the investigation has been completed.”

Under the law, Díaz was required to issue a legal opinion on the process and detail if there is enough evidence to bring the defendant to trial. The results were confirmed by Judge Jerome Mejía.

Mejía must now call a hearing on the case in the next 10 to 20 days.