Martinelli whistle blower gets country arrest reward

GIACOMO TAMBURRELLI a  former director of the National Assistance Program(PAN)  who is cooperating with prosecutors in the ongoing corruption scandal, has had his house arrest changed to country arrest, leaving him free to move about, but obliged to report to authorities every 15 days.

During his house arrest Tamburelli, who has accused ex-president Ricardo  Martinelli as the person who gave the orders for a multi-million dollar purchase of dehydrated  foods,  said in a TVN  interview that Martinelli  had offered to buy his silence, but he said  he refused to be intimidated.

The decision to move him to country arrest was taken by Judge Leslie Loaiza ” based on the fact that Mr. Tamburelli has cooperated with the investigation from the beginning, and has provided evidence, he answered the call of the prosecution voluntarily, so is not an escape danger” says a statement from the judiciary.

Tamburelli is facing trial for allegedly committing crimes against the administration, specifically embezzlement, corruption of public officials and fraud in public procurement acts to the detriment of the PAN reports La Prensa.

In the coming days  Tamburelli will remain in a public health center for treatment to various condHe is  completely asleep under medication. People think that these are gimmicks, but in Giacomo’s case it’s  true,” said Moncada.

“I will ask God to give him health and strength to face the judicial processes. He has pressures everywhere. God will give him  strength to face the process,” he added.

Tamburelli was taken by ambulance on Thurday Oct. 22 to a public hospital from his home, where  he had been  detained since Dec. 15, 2014.

In Decembhe  is being investigated for possible irregularities in a $45 million contract of for  dehydrated foods. The food was distributed in public schools in Veraguas, Cocle, Bocas del Toro and county areas.

Students allegedly suffered stomach problems after eating these foods. “Shards” were also found, say  reports submitted by school principals.