Runner up  appeals Metro Line 3  tender winner

The ACPC Line 3 consortium, made up of the Chinese company Power and the Spanish company Acciona,  has filed a complaint in the tender for Panama Metro Line 3, asking that the virtual winner, the HPH consortium led by South Korean Hyundai Engineering & Construction, be disqualified.

HPH was declared the virtual winner of the tender on Monday, obtaining the highest score (893) with an economic offer of $2,507. billion, above the base price of the project established at $2.396. billion

The Chinese Power (51%) and Acciona (49%), consortium had offered a price of 2.,518.1 billion dollars and obtained a total score of 842.

In the complaint, filed on Tuesday, ACPC indicates that the Metro Panamá SA “must disqualify” the HPH consortium because it submitted a “conditional” financial proposal, which is not provided in the statement of objections of the tender.

“The statement of objections does not stipulate in its general conditions that a letter of guarantee from the State (sovereign guarantee) be granted, so this condition cannot be contemplated for the financing proposal,” says the appeal.

It adds that HPH presented “a financing price that considers the granting of a letter of guarantee by the Panamanian State when there is no certainty of the granting of said guarantee”.

In its complaint action, ACPC asks that the tendering act be suspended while this issue is resolved, that, the contract is not awarded, and that the evaluating commission be ordered: “to perform a new verification of the evaluation of the proposals” presented in the process.
