Stone throwers cause bus crash – 17 hurt

STONE-THROWING hooligans damaged windshields of vehicles  and caused several crashes, including a bus, leaving17 people injured, on Thursday Nov.5, as 102,000 rivers began the crawl back to Panama City after the National Holiday celebrations.

The driver of an  Anton-Panama bus lost control when  a stone came through the windshield  and hit him in the chest.

The bus on  Arraiján-La Chorrera highway, fell into 1.70 meters ditch..

Other vehicles  were also hit by stones that thrown on  the highway, in the area bordering the San Antonio neighborhood.

Diana Cedeño, one of the drivers affected, said two stones broke the windows of the rented vehicle she was driving.

Cedeno said the windowpanes fell on f her husband and daughter, traveling with her. in the car.

An agent of the National Police said at least 10 cars were affected by unidentified individuals

Earlier in the afternoon two people were injured when a taxi went out of control and overturned near Chorrera.