Dithering over unfinished convention center

THE COMPLETION of the Amador Convention Center, a flagship project of the previous administration remains mired in controversy and allegations of money laundering while the current government dithers.

Eleven months after work on it was halted, the government still has not decided on a course of action.

The Tourism Authority of Panama (ATP) and the Comptroller General are considering hiring a new consortium to finish the project.

The current contractor  HPC-Contrata-P&V halted work due to financial problems after the project was about 25 percent completed. It has also been linked to allegations of money laundering and corruption.

A new contractor must continue the work without increasing the cost of the project and incorporate design changes made by the current administration.

The project was supposed to be finished in 2014. Tourism officials say that the project is needed for the country to attract conventions and other large-scale events.

The project has a budget of just under $200 million.