Candidate committed to rescuing judiciary battered image

THE SECOND candidate to be interviewed for one of the two upcoming vacancies on the Supreme Court, told the interviewing committee: “The judiciary has a battered image, and I will be committed to rescuing its image.”

María Eugenia López Arias appeared before the State Commission of Justice on Monday, November 23. The interview with the committee began at 2 p.m. and lasted until 4:10 p.m. reports La Prensa.

She began her career in 1990 and has been a municipal civil and criminal judge in the District of La Chorrera, and is now a judge of the Third Superior Court in the Panama District.

“I have administered justice in the criminal, civil and judicial spheres,” said the candidate. She pointed out that, as a judge, she has not been intimidated by the litigants who have appeared in her courtroom and issued decisions that follow the rule of law.

“I was never influenced by the pressures of a case. I don’t have any fear of ruling about anybody,” she said.

If appointed, she pledged to rule with transparency, and said the court should use technology to give citizens greater access to court decisions.

She also said that, as a judge, she is qualified to improve the court system because she is familiar with it.

The interviews with the remaining candidates will take place throughout the week.