Board of trustees to manage Teatro Nacional

THE FUTURE of Panama’s Teatro Nacional (National Theater) will likely be in the hands of a Board of Trustees to administer and manage the historic entity.

The theatre  has long been a  focal point for many of Panama’s major cultural events from opera and ballet and  the International Film Festival (IFF) to folcorico and symphonic concerts.

The government, representatives of civil society and private businesses will be working together to create the board. the proposal is being assessed because of the condition of the theater, which has been closed since June due to its poor condition.

One of the purposes of the Board of Trustees would be to raise funds from all sectors for the restoration of the building, which would cost an estimated $10 million. It would also oversee a maintenance program to keep the building, which was constructed in 1908, from falling into a state of disrepair in the future.

Ana Elena Porras, coordinator of the Citizen’s Movement for Panamanian Identity, said that such initiatives should be taken into account, reports La Prensa.

“We all should be working together to preserve our history,” she said.

the Technological University of Panama is planning structural studies of the theatre. Which  will take about three months.

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