Government and Copa combine on $7 million tourism campaign

PANAMA’S government and Copa Airlines are to split the cost of a $7 million advertising campaign to maintain and increase the surge of visitors recorded in the first nine month’s of the year.
The Cabinet Council has approved contributing $3.5 million to the campaign. The resolution was published last week in the Government Gazette. The agreement is for the “Solo Panamá” advertising campaign which will be focused on markets in the United States, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico.
Currently Copa Airlines has 320 daily international flights.
In 2013, the two entities cooperated on the “Discover Panama’s possibilities” campaign and on r a recent visit to Miami to try to convince Carnival and Royal Caribbean cruise lines ro use Colon as a home port,Panama President Juan Carlos Varela was accompanied by Copa president Pedro Heilbron,
Earlier this month the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP) approved a $200,000 project with Air Panama to promote the arrival of tourists from Colombia and Costa Rica.
Panama received 1.9 million visitors in the first nine months of the year, an increase of 15.1 percent from the same period last year.