Panama facing growing refugee crisis

 PANAMA   like Europe, is suffering an immigration crisis, only on a vastly smaller scale, that could lead to human rights violations if  not addressed according to the Ombusdman.

Some 1,124 Cuban immigrants are stranded in Puerto Obaldia, a figure that most likely will increase every day as more immigrants arrive in the country reports La Prensa.

The log jam has been caused by Panama’s decision to only allow 60 immigrants a dayto  leave for Panama City.

Carlos Martínez, a Cuban immigrant who came to Puerto Obaldia 10 days ago commented that the restriction imposed by the government has been very radical.

He added that what has been reported is that Costa Rica requested Panama to stop the flow of immigrants into that country.

“We are in a place with many limitations,” he said. “What we want is to get out of here and go to a place with better conditions.”

As the days pass, health conditions, accommodation, food and potable water have become scarcer, as the area can’t handle the influx of immigrants, who arrive in Panama from South America.

A doctor said there is no fresh water and a lack of proper sanitation, while a nurse said there was no medicine or space to care for the sick says La Prensa

Ombudsperson Lilia Herrera Mow said that the situation needs to be addressed because a failure to do so would be equivalent to a human rights violation.