Canada tops foreign investors in Panama

VENEZUELA’S economic woes have given a boost to Panama in the form of  over  $427 million invested in the country over the last three years by Venezuelan businessman, but that is dwarfed by Canadian and  Colombian investment.

During thesame period Mexico, Canada and the United States invested almost $4 billion with Canadians investing half of that figure.

Colombian business owners have invested the most among South American countries, with $1.7 billion.

A report, from Panama’s Comptroller General entitled “Foreign direct investment in the Republic,” said that Venezuelans invested $200 million in 2012, $159 million in 2013 and $68 million in 2014.

In the past three years foreigners have invested $11.4 billion so the total amount contributed by Venezuelans represents 3.7 percent of all foreign investment.

The countries of the European Union invested $1.4 billion.