Supreme Court rejects Martinelli petition

In an extraordinary plenary session that lasted for nearly five hours the court , rejected a petition of disqualification li filed against five judges in connection with the case accusing Martinelli of ordering illegal surveillance while in office.

In a decision signed by Judge Wilfredo Sáez, the plenum ruled that article 60, paragraph 3 of the criminal procedure code allows judges to issue rulings on precautionary measures. Lawyer Rogelio Cruz had argued that judges Oydén Ortega, Abel Zamorano, Hernán De León, Luis Mario Carrasco and José Ayú Prado should have been disqualified from making the decision because they acted as either a judge or prosecutor in other cases involving the former president.

In addition, the court agreed to carry out another extraordinary plenary session  to resolve a habeas corpus petition submitted by defense attorneys. Alternate Judge Gisela Agurto was appointed the rapporteur of this petition. At the same meeting, the court will also set the date of the hearing to resolve the request for arrest warrants to be issued for Martinelli reports La Prensa.