OFF THE CUFF: Playing for time for Martinelli messenger

THE STALLING tactics of  lawyers representing  ex-president Ricardo Martinelli,  have spread to the defense of his former private secretary and  alleged messenger boy Adolfo “Chichi” De Obarrio who fled Panama on Christmas Day 2014.

Because of moves to delay his court appearance the  Second Superior Court will have to determine whether or not an order will be issued for his  capture and detention.

His defense has appealed the decision of 15th Criminal Judge Leslie Loaiza, who opened a criminal case in the matter being investigated by the second anti-corruption prosecutor for cost overruns in the purchase of dehydrated food from the National Assistance Program (PAN) for $44.9 million during the last administration, reports La Prensa..

Edna Ramos, a lawyer for De Obarrio, has filed a motion to block the court from determining if De Obarrio is in default for failing to appear. He fled the country when the allegations first surfaced.

Ramos said that the court has failed to follow the procedures, including granting the defendant 40 days to appear.

“If the person does not appear, then an order for his capture can be granted,” said the lawyer.

However, the 15th Criminal Court issued an edict ordering his appearance in June.

That document states that the population has the obligation to report the whereabouts of De Obarrio.

The edict, signed by Judge Loaiza, indicated that De Obarrio had 10 working days to appear, “otherwise we will continue the process in his absence.”

Meanwhile commentators  wonder about the source of funding for his exile, and whether he is able to maintain the lifestyle that enabled him to reportedly spend over $700,000 on his wedding  and but a new home,  while earning $5,000 a month before tax