Canal expansion consortium told less talk, more work

THE GUPC  consortium  that won the contract for the Canal expansion project, already more than $1 billion over budget, and a year behind the original completion date, has  been told   to stop talking and get working.

All  critics are demanding that GUPC complete   the construction of the third set of locks as soon as possible to avoid further  harm to the country and  the maritime industry.

The reaction from business and political  leaders  came a day after President Juan Carlos Varela ordered the consortium to complete the project and “let the legal claims be handled by the competent bodies.”

GUPC has been involved in a financial dispute with the Panama Canal Authority over payments, and has threatened to stall the completion of the project for several more months.

The project, was slated to be finished in April, but the new completion date is May. The  latest threat by GUPC could push that date back even later.

The Panama Chamber of Commerce said another lengthy delay is unacceptable.

“There are no compelling claims by the contractor which should put this important work at risk again,” it said.

The group said that any further delays would impact both Panama and world trade, including ports, shipping companies and other investors.

Morabia Guerrero, president of the Panama Association of Business Executives, and Julio De La Lastra, of the National Council of Private Enterprise, also joined the call for the project to be completed.

“The project must be completed with or without GUPC,” said De La Lastra.