Three bus collisions in 48 hours

A COLLISION that sent two buses hurtling into a ravine in the area of ​​El Nazareno de La Chorrera on Monday, January 4, was the third incident involving public transport in 48 hours.

Three ambulances ferried passengers to hospital, but the number of injured was not released

Both buses were traveling on the Panama Herrera route. One bus was carrying 23 passengers, the other bus only the driver. Both were heading to the interior.

The two buses after the collision. were in a ravine at the side of the InterAmericana highway.

The underpass crash
The underpass crash

Less than 24 hours earlier there was a collision between a diablo  marillo  (yellow devil) and a sedan in the underpass near MultiPlaza, injuring eight passengers

A Sunday crash in Costa Verde, La Chorrera  between a pirate bus and a taxi  sent two pasengers to Santo Tomas Hospital with severe  injuries Eleven others were treated in a local hospital for minor injuries, reports El Siglo.