Varela promises hands on for stalled projects

AS CONCERNS over water supplies and other unfinished projects mount, President Juan Carlos Varela announced Friday Jan, 23 that he will personally be involved in seeing their completion.

He said  projects initiated by the defunct National Assistance Program (PAN) will be administered by the Secretariat of Goals within the Presidency of the Republic.

“This is to ensure these projects are completed and the structure is dismantled to restore credibility with the population. I personally will work with the secretariat,” said Varela in a public ceremony in Sona, Veraguas.

He said that while the PAN has been rife with corruption, he will not abandon those projects that have been started.

“I will not leave people without water or buildings half-built,” Varela said. “We have to try and clean it up.”

Secretariat Carlos Duboy said there are some 100 projects that will require an estimated $150 million to finishreports La Prensa.

“They are to be reviewed together with the Comptroller’s Office and the Ministry of Economy and Finance to go looking for a solution,” he said.