MEDIA WATCH: Booze cheaper than milk

ALCOHOL ADDICTION is the invisible enemy that every day destroys more families and Panamanian society.  The statistics are harsh. Panama has the second highest per capita  liquor consumption level in Central America.

The uncomfortable truth that it is cheaper to buy an alcoholic drink than to purchase the equivalent volume of milk for children reveals the existence of a pall of suffering, impoverishment and violence in our country. The widespread consumption of alcohol in any party, celebration or holiday, has become the trigger of phenomena such as domestic violence, unwanted pregnancies, traffic accidents, absenteeism and many other effects that negatively impact our population. There are no easy solutions to this problem, however, the first step, as in all therapy recovery is to recognize reality and accept that we are facing a crisis of major proportions that alcoholism steals the possibilities of development and prosperity to country. It is our responsibility as a society face the problem and bring about a solution.