MEDIA WATCH: Covering the sun with a finger

hoyporhoy, La Prensa, March 9

A BRAZILIAN court has sentenced to 19 years and 4 months, Marcelo Odebrecht who, along with other senior executives of his company. was imprisoned on charges of corruption and money laundering.

Brazil has demonstrated that the separation of powers works and has the institutions capable of prosecuting the richest and most powerful unhesitatingly.

The consequences of this decision are felt in every corner of the world, from Angola to Switzerland and, from Argentina to the United States. Each country will advance their investigations, possibly leading to more convictions, fines, administrative penalties and civil suits.

In the world of alternative reality in which they live Panamanian politicians believe, what happened in Brazil it does not affect us at all. It insists on the fantasy that the largest contractor of the State is a partner of honest and untainted business. Will backups,  financial and insurance, bonds remain intact? It is time for the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic  to complete audits of all projects that this company has done in Panama. You cannot cover the sun with a finger, or cover up the Odebrecht crisis with a phrase.