Extreme UV warning across isthmus

A   WARNING  of continuing  extreme ultra radiation levels was issued by The Department of Hydrometeorology Electric Company on Tuesday March 15.  The warning is in effect for the entire country, with the high amount of solar energy and heat producing  a lot of “discomfort” in the population an UV ratings reachinh 25in some areas.
The warning called for extreme care in in the metro and western areas of Panama province and downtown Colon  with UV rates  at 15 to  18 and in eastern areas of the province of Bocas del Toro at 11+ is considered extreme.
But they will be 15 to 18 in the metro and western areas of the province of Panama and downtown Colon. The same situation occurs in the Ngäbe-Bugle Chiriqui, especially in the highlands and lowlands.
Extreme caution should be by used with  18  – 25 UV radiation in Cocle, Los Santos, on the coast of Colon and in the north, south and center of Veraguas and in the Gulf of Chiriqui.
The use of sunscreens from number 30 every two hours, large hats, sunglasses and parasols are recommended