Petaquilla Gold cases may be joined

A REQUEST to amalgamate two cases against former Petaquilla CEO, and former Cocle Governor, Richard Fifer, has been made by The Sixth Anticorruption Prosecutor who is handling one of the  of the cases  alleging that $3.1 million in fees from the Social Security Fund (CSS) of the workers of Petaquilla Gold was not paid.

The other case relates to the withholding of employees quotas to the CSS Panama Infrastructure Development to of  $3.331 million. Fifer is in preventive detention for both cases.

The request was made by the prosecutor Aurelio Vasquez.

Fifer  is also facing trial for an alleged $1 million scam of a Canadian financial company.

The hearing to decide on the request will be held by the Cocle  judge of guarantees, Yazmín Jaen, on Friday, March 18, in  Penonomé, under the rules of adversarial criminal justice system.