From the sun to Odebrecht shadow

PANAMA’S MAYOR Jose Isabel Blandon  sailed through his first 21 months in office with  positive reviews as he  moved on numerous  programs like reducing advertising clutter, planning new parks, pushing ahead with underground parking  enforcing noise restrictions on restaurants and bars and moving buen cuiadaos and restaurant clutter from the streets and  turning much of Casco Viejo, into a pedestrian only thoroughfare on Sundays. Some streets have even received names.

YOUR MAN IN PANAMAAll of which has deservedly earned him praise and support in the capital city, following  a series of predecessors with lack luster performances, none more so than Bosco Vallarino, the bumbling fellow Panamenista,  who fell afoul of ex-president Ricardo Martinellli, and is now awaiting trial on corruption charges.

It was Bosco’s inability to perform as mayor that gave then Deputy Blandon, the opportunity  to step forward as his  unpaid  front man while, raising  his own profile to pave the way for a  bid for the mayor’s seat and, perhaps later.  a stab at the country’s top job.

All seemed to be on track, with only one minor flurry  of criticism over the amount spent on lining  Disney pockets for a Christmas extravaganza last December, but hey, a lot of voters flocked to see it. The announcement that the city would spend around $100 million on fixing sidewalks in one sector of the city gave an added sheen to his image.

Then last week came a misstep that the seasoned politician should have avoided  and suddenly Mr Popular has become a target for media and civil society, with critics warning that   he  is putting the country and the city’s image at risk  by giving the $100  sidewalk million  contract to Odebrecht riddled with  corruption scandals, its president in jail  with a starting sentence of 20 years, and to cap it all, Panama’s Comptroller  opening an audit of Odebrecth’s earlier contracts  and  the US is investigating the Brazilian company and its goings on in the region.

This  moved the mayor out of the sun and under the shadow of  Odebrecht as its bid  for the sidewalk’s project came in second and a quick evaluation flip flop put the company at the  top.

The process was then suspended by the Directorate General of Public Procurement (DGCP) which  admitted a complaint from another participant in the tender.

Magaly Castillo, of the Citizens Alliance for Justice, said “We must tell the mayor to be careful not to get muddy in one of the scandals of Odebrecht”.

She warned Blandon to  “watch your image and ensure the interests of the inhabitants of the city as the presence of Odebrecht in the bidding for sidewalks creates mistrust and malaise “

Carlos Gasnell, president of the Panama  chapter of Transparency International said the situation demonstrates the need for legislation to improve the public procurement system “We need clear rules to attract companies that enjoy prestige and are recognized not only to work well, but also contribute to developing countries without corrupting the system.

Angelica Maytín, director of the  Transparency and Access to Information Authority (Antai), said it is risky that the State continue doing business with a company whose recent president was convicted of corruption in Brazil , and which it is still pending investigation  whether the network of corruption included the works built by them in Panama.

Lawyer Carlos Lee said the mayor should come forward to explain what happened in the tender, referring to the performance of Blandon, who ordered a new analysis of the proposals, when in its first report the committee  placed Odebrecht below another  consortium which also filed a complaint with the DGCP, which is pending admission.

The  Odebrecht shadow will be hard to escape.