Customs corruption network uncovered

EIGHT SUSPECTS  were arrested in three raids that began before daylight   at the headquarters of the National Customs Authority (ANA) on Monday April 4 and others are being sought.

Assistant Prosecutor, Marcelino Aguilar, is leading the investigation, into  a corruption network that operated inside the Authority   the raids began at 5:48 am and  resumed at 10:00 am and ended at 2:00 pm

According to information from the Public Ministry (MP), 23 ANA officers, seven individuals and one former official were questioned over  goods that entered  the country through Tocumen airport, without any examination, in exchange for sums of money.

The investigation began in December 2015, after the MP was informed about the alleged irregularities.  A search is on for two missing officials as investigations continue.

Attorney General Kenia Porcell said that “mid level” entrepeneurs and individuals were involved including two Colombians who arranged with ANA personnel to violate the controls and pass the goods without any registration.

Porcell, who said  that in the alleged commission of crimes against public administration is being investigated. “Regardless of the concept of corruption, there is one detail that goes beyond, and  that is  the nature of the goods that entered the country

Staff of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation, participated in the uncovering of the network raids  and the Criminal Chamber of the Supreme Court authorized wiretapping

“This is a good result for Panama, the prosecution is attacking… the point here is that the prosecution does not discard any information it receives, only that information it has to be validated gradually until you can have something, “said Porcell

Recently, the United States Department of State said in a report that, among other things, corruption in Panama security services, the judiciary and customs, remains a concern.

The Assistant Prosecutor is also investigating former officials of the judiciary who have benefited defendants in processes being conducted by the Second Superior Court Criminal.