Panama black groups reach out to migrants

PANAMANIAN bLACK organizations are banding together to collect  household necessities to be delivered toAfrican migrants  stranded at the Paso Canoas border with  Costa Rica.
“We are preparing a set of hygiene kits with generous donations from caring compatriots. We will be dispatching to the border product of this effort that began a few days ago, with the satisfaction of contributing something to alleviate the situation of our brothers and sisters “Afro Panama Observatory said through a statement on Saturday April 23..
Tents and inflatable mattresses are also needed said the organizers
The collection center is located at the headquarters of Caritas Panama, located in Ancon behind the Directorate of Judicial Investigation.
It is estimated that at the border, some 500 African migrants are waiting to go to Costa Rica trying to continue on their journey  from the African continent  to the United States.