MEDIA WATCH: Missing immigration policy

hoyporhoy  La Prensa, April 18

THE CRITICAL situation of migrants in Paso Canoas and Puerto Obaldia suggests that the Panamanian government lacks an immigration policy capable of dealing with current challenges.

The overwhelming humanitarian issue of Cubans, Haitians, Asians and Africans crossing Panama looking fortheir  “American dream” has exhausted the responsiveness of the government and the communities where they are temporarily huddled. In addition, we have failed to integrate the vast mass of migrants to our society in the last decade. The existing bottle neck is evident in some sectors of the economy, which has hampered access to employment for Panamanians, especially those who lack adequate educational training.

Who defends Panama and who is responsible for migrants? It is time that this country defined an immigration scheme based on national interests; and at the same time, it is urgent that the commitment to human rights be fully extended to migrants. Our government needs to clearly define to neighboring countries the integrity of our borders against their abuse.