Push to get Varelas ear on medicine buys

 GROUPS from across the board, including patients,  the Chamber of Commerce, and Health care providers,are trying to get the ear of President Juan Carlos Varela to deal with problems over the purchase of medicine’s.

The National Federation of Associations of Patients with Critical, Chronic and Degenerative Diseases delivered a letter to the Presidency  in February, requesting a meeting to discuss the issue. It recently sent another letter with the same request, saying they were ignored the first time.

The group’s main concern is a December 2015 resolution of the Ministry of Health which limits the purchase of drugs from Europe.

The Consumer Protection Agency has also opposed the measure, saying it “restricts and violates the principles of free competition.” Earlier, the Chamber of Commerce had a similar opinion.

Federation official Enma Pinzón said the decision puts patients in danger.

National Health Coordinating Committee official Domingo Moreno said that the government should always buy the best products for patients.