Easing preventive detention does not mean suspect off the hook

THE CHANGING by judges of a preventive detention order to house or country arrest  is not the end of the criminal process but “on the contrary, it is a sign that the court endorses the investigation by the Public Ministry” said  Attorney General  Kenia Porcell on Saturday, May 21.

Meanwhile Tania Sterling, first Anticorruption prosecutor, and who also serves as coordinator of the Anticorruption prosecutors of the Public Ministry, revealed that in the processing of corruption cases reported in the last two years arrests of  of 175 people, were ordered  but not all involved  preventive detention..
She said  noted that 80% of the related summaries of alleged corruption, by government officials of President Ricardo Martinelli (2009-2014), have been processed.

She  also said that   processes were repeatedly delayed  while waiting audits developed by personnel of the Comptroller General of the Republic. , he explained That  element is “indispensable” to uncover the  destination of public funds, and to determine the responsibility of officials in their good or bad administration.

She added  that gathering information through visual inspection errands and taking statements, bank records verification and accreditation of linking the suspects, “all takes time”.

She  acknowledged that some of the arrests have been modified  by the courts to precautionary measures ranging from house arrest to a  ban on  leaving the country, but added that in most cases has the criminal process has remained in place.