Downpours bring floods, close Tocumen

HEAVY RAINS in Panama City  caused flooding in several  areas and closed Tocumen International airport  for 30 minutes on Wednesday afternoon, May 25.

The Panama Fire Department and the civil defense agency (Sinaproc), reported flooding in Juan Díaz, Las Acacias, Don Bosco, Cuidad Radial and Pedregal.

Avenida Domingo Díaz was also flooded due to the blockage of storm drains.

Damage was caused  to  82 houses , including 28 in Don Bosco, Las Acacias (40) and Cuidad Radial.

Civil Aviation Authority Director Alfredo Fonseca Mora said  explained that operations at the airport were back to normal shortly past 2 p.m. after

He added that a cell of bad weather caused visibility to decrease below the allowable minimum.