When political sponsors come first

OPINION: Hoyporhoy La Prensa June 22

THE CAPITAL’s mayor has been the biggest beneficiary of the decentralization process undertaken by this government.

One would expect that with the tens of millions of dollars a year in  new funds, the city of Panama needs  a rebirth of neighborhoods, improved quality of life for all its inhabitants, and the provision of new and better public services. Instead, the proposals of the current mayor have  focused on providing nearly $100 million for the renovation of sidewalks on the Via Espana , and more than $50 million dollars for two outrageously expensive projects in Via Argentina and  Calle Uruguay

Where are the projects for Brooklincito, Viejo Veranillo, San Sebastian, Boca la Caja, Panama Viejo and Concepcion? These are communities that, with very few resources, can give a significant quality leap involving a change of life for its inhabitants. How the investment priorities established in the main city of the country? It seems that the head of the district capital is more focused on promoting donors of his own campaign and his party, than the people to whom he is obliged to serve with fairness and solidarity.