CD deputies labeled traitors by Martinelli media

RUBEN DE LEON  a PRD deputy was re-elected  president of Panama’s  National Assembly for the third session of the current mandate, on Friday July 3.

Leon won the backing of 49 of the 71 deputies including 16 CD deputies who ignored the wishes of the party leader and former president, Ricardo Martinelli, which led  the papers he controls,  Critica and Panama America  to denounce them as “traitors”.

Hos fellow Peredista  Jaime Pedrol, postulated by the PRD leadership, headed by party president Benicio Robinson received 12 votes; Martinelli’s choice Fernando Carrillo ( CD), who got nine votes

Leon managed to consolidate a legislative majority with the support of 16 deputies of the Panamenista  Party,16 CD,  2 Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement (Molirena), 1 People’s Party (PP) and 14 of the PRD.