MEDIA WATCH: Panama must move on sex education

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa July 9.

A PART of public opinion has reacted with a sense of discomfort to the proposed guidelines for sexual education, still in the draft stage, and Bill 61, which organizes the policy of sexual and reproductive health, that by coincidence are simultaneously in the public eye.

Panama has soent  much of the current century discussing and debating sex education initiatives that fail because of resistance and very vocal opposition from some sectors, usually linked to the dominant religious cults.

A part of public opinion has reacted with a sense of discomfort to the proposed guidelines for sexual education, still in the draft stage, and Bill 61, which organizes the policy of sexual and reproductive health, and that by coincidence are simultaneously in the fore. Panama took much of the current century discussing and debating sex education initiatives that fail because resistance and very vocal opposition sectors, usually linked to the dominant religious cults in our country. As if it were a a late night introduction  , or a legislative maneuver,  Bill 61 seems to have caught certain groups by surprise  despite the entire year it  was in first debate, insist that it was not consulted, and see in the text of the ghosts exist. While some parents have been diligent and very responsible with the sexual education of their children, the vast majority of children and young Panamanians learn on the street. The world of Nevermore is over, we have a new reality that needs to be addressed. Panama awake.