OPINION: Panamas University of Crime

La Prensa August 12

PANAMA  maintains a huge historical debt to the prison system and the more than 16,000 prisoners in jails.

There is no doubt that this amorphous structure is a university of crime, enmeshing civil and police personnel, as well as detainees. There is a systemic problem with justice in our country, which does not depend on laws or budget.

The dismantling of a network that included police officers, civil servants and even those deprived of liberty is no surprise to discouraged public opinion, but as a clear evidence of the profound crisis of integrity that exists in the justice system of the state.

Just a few months ago it was discovered the infamous clan “Box Office” in the courts and criminal courts altered documents and even bribed jurors of conscience.

Solve the serious problem of overcrowding in most prisons in the country and the lack of implementation of a system of socialization for those deprived of liberty, it is a priority.

It is vital to support the authorities in charge of the prison system. Panamanian society would, undoubtedly  be the big winner of this bet.