Top judge ignores Justice Commission

SUPREME COURT president José Ayú Prado  is in  the eye of a fresh  storm as  The State Justice Commission  has challenged him for ignoring  a letter sent  on August 3.

The Commission , coordinated by Administration Prosecutor Rigoberto Gonzalez, questioned him  on the criteria used for the appointment of 931 officials

They  will form the Criminal Accusatory System in the First Judicial District

“A reasonable time has elapsed without receiving a response to the request,” the commission said in  the second letter.

It said that the hiring practices used to fill positions in the new system  have not followed established regulations.

The commission is to meet Friday with representatives of the Executive to examine the budget assigned for the implementation of the new regime and the judicial career law which regulates the hiring within the judicial branch.

Ayu Prado  has numerous outstanding denunciations against him in the National Assembly and has been widely criticized for his multiple government financed trips abroad while hundreds of unresolved cases sit in the court.