Drought forces Canal Authority to cut  draft for bigger ships

Starting  March 30, the  Panama Canal Authority (ACP)   will reduce the draft of the Neopanamax vessels using the new locks by half a foot which means reducing the amount of cargo they can carry while transiting the waterway.

A message has been sent from the ACP  to shipping agents, ship owners, and operators. With the adjustment, the draft allowed or depth that reaches the part of the vessel that is submerged for the neo-Panamax will fall from 46 feet currently accepted, to 45.5 feet.

Canal administrator  Ilya Espino de Marotta, said that for now “there should be no greater impact on any vessel with 45.5 feet of draft.”

But she warned that there can be an impact, it is necessary to adjust the draft to 44 feet.

Ships arriving with a draft greater than 45.5 feet after March 30 may transit, depending on the actual level of the Gatun, or they will be asked to remove weight.