Taxi drivers in court to fight toll rise

TAXI DRIVERS  have filed a complaint  before the Supreme Court against the increase in tolls on some sections of the Corredor Sur by the National Highway Company.

Lawyer Víctor Martínez, accompanied by taxi driver leader Rafael Reyes, said that the increase was put in place without the approval of the company’s Board of Directors.

Martínez also said that the agency failed to have a public hearing on the issue.

In August, Highway Manager Carlos Barnes said that there would be an increase in the toll from Atlapa to Paitilla from 35 to 60 cents, and from the entrance to Chanis, which would increase from 25 cents to 50 cents.

President Juan Carlos Varela said Wednesday that the change was not an increase but rather an adjustment to avoid congestion at the Chanis exit, since many vehicles used that exit because it was cheaper than nearby ones.