15 year sentences for sex slave traffickers

FIFTEEN-YEAR jail terms have been handed down to three men  for human trafficking involving three young Venezuelan women says a report released by the Attorney General.

Brazilians Anderson Correa Do Santos, Henrique Rodriguez Da Silva and Venezuelan Kimara Consolación Chirinos will have 15 years to reflect on their attempt to rack up  over $300,000 a year from the three girls who had been lured to Panama with a loan of $3800 and the promise of a job.

The criminal proceedings against the traffickers were  initiated by a complaint filed by a young Venezuelan national, who announced on July 23, 2015, how she made her trip to Panama along with two other young women, who were loaned $3,800 They were offered them accommodation and later made  to work in a building  dedicated to prostitution in ​​San Felipe, so that they could, through daily payments of $300 balboas, pay back their loans,

The young Venezuelans managed to escape their traffickers and arrive at a hotel and  denounced the events of which they were victims, indicating that they had been threatened and forced to work in prostitution.

The press release emphasized that the Office of the Prosecutor against Organized Crime succeeded in proving the case  by means of surveillance, search and follow-up procedures, placing documentary and testimonial evidence linking those identified with the trafficking events.