29 under investigation in bribery scandal

PANAMA is  still awaiting confessions made to Brazilian prosecutors by Odebrecht executives that will help local authorities nail some 29 people under investigation for links to the bribery scandal.

The reason they have not been released is that several countries including Panama  have not reached agreements with Brazil to offer complete immunity to Odebrecht and its executives.

In Panama  the law regarding immunity only contemplates the reduction of penalties in exchange for an admission of guilt.

But Attorney General Kenia Porcell is optimistic that agreements will be reached that will allow cooperation with Brazil to move forward reports La Prensa.

A widening net

She said that aside from the cooperation with Brazil, Panama is carrying out investigations into 29 members of law firms, bank employees, senior officials from other administrations, Odebrecht

executives and Brazilian citizens. She  has revealed that there are 29 people involved in the

investigations and an equal number of requests for international judicial assistance.

Some have been answered, which have resulted in the confiscation of property linked to the family of former President Ricardo Martinelli. This includes a helicopter that was seized in Mexico and an apartment in Madrid, Spain.

Panama has seized $13 million so far and there are ongoing applications for cooperation that have been submitted.