Quarantine  eased  June 1 with moves to new  normal

Sunday May 31 will be the last day of absolute quarantine and on  Monday, June 1    restrictions imposed on April 1   on exiting by gender and two-hour shopping by  ID number will be eliminated.

From Monday on, a curfew will apply from 7:00 pm to 5:00 am, seven days a week.

The moves come with block 2 of the reopening process allowing construction of public works, non-metallic mining, and industries.

The decision was made said after reviewing indicators such as hospital capacity, the epidemiological behavior of the virus, and the performance of daily diagnostic tests said Minister of Health, Rosario Turner on  Tuesday, May 26.

Turner clarified that churches, parks, and sports and social areas may open, but only use 25% of their capacity and keeping the distance of two meters between people.

Children will be able to circulate from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm, with their parents or caregivers. The use of the mask is mandatory.

Ramón Martínez, Minister of Commerce and Industries, stated that the opening of block 3 – which has not yet a defined date – will depend on the epidemiological behavior that originates from the opening of blocks 1 and 2.

The authorities reiterated to the population that the battle has not been won, so they must maintain the mitigation measures: physical distancing, use of masks, hand washing, and going out only if necessary.

The Minsa epidemiology report showed that in the last week – 22 townships in the country reported more than 20 cases. In last Tuesday’s report there were 19 townships.

In addition, there are outbreaks  in the Santiago prison, Veraguas, and in Alanje, Chiriquí..