OPINION: Panamas past a key to its future

Hoyporhoy, La Prensa, July 12

THE UNESCO World Heritage Committee has drawn attention to the situation of our natural, cultural and monumental  sites

For example, there is concern over  the Old Town [Casco Viejo] the development of a hotel in the old Club Union, the flow of vehicles and the management of waste in this historic area

Regarding Coiba National Park, the committee is alarmed by fishing activities, industrial property in the waters of this ecological treasure, which can be declared “endangered” if this situation perisists.

Many countries in the world would aspire to have the cultural and natural wealth that Panama has;

However, institutional neglect and abuses against the rules are a threat to our future.

Obtaining a “world heritage” rating is a privilege

Which attracts tourists, researchers, generates significant income, and is a source of pride for the country.

Our past is one of the keys to our future, we cannot delay its conservation.